Wills and Bequests

By leaving a gift to St John of God Hauora Trust, you will support those most vulnerable in our communities. A charitable Bequest is a celebration of your commitments and Values, and a way for loved ones to celebrate your life.

Your Will

Leaving clear instructions for your loves ones is a thoughtful way to relieve them of pressure at a difficult time. Remembering us in your Will can remind family and friends of the Values
you shared in life and provide service to those in greatest need in the community.

Contact your solicitor or trustee to make or add to your Will to ensure your wishes are best reflected in how your Estate is managed. Consult the SJGHT Legacy Guide
should you need suggestions on wording or a template.

SJGHT Legacy Guide to Wills and Bequests

Types of Bequests

Your solicitor or trustee is best to advise you, but in general there is:

  • Specific Bequest:
    This is a gift of particular items of property
    that you wish to go to a particular person
    or organisation.
  • General Bequest:
    Usually a sum of money or percentage of
    the value of your estate.
  • Residual Bequest:
    A directive to deal with the remainder
    of your estate once general Bequests to
    relatives and friends have been allocated.

How would we use your gift?

Since 2008, St John of God Hauora Trust has delivered vital services that support vulnerable people in New Zealand. We target philanthropic funding towards programmes and initiatives that improve life for people living with a disability, or improve services or care coordination for vulnerable and at-risk youth.

Our organisation continually looks to ways we can improve and better support people. Philanthropic support is an important way we identify and serve this need in communities.

Honoring your specific wishes

If there is a particular service or programme that is close to your heart, we welcome you stating in your bequest exactly what you would like to use the money for. We would greatly appreciate a discussion with you if you are thinking of something specific, so we can ensure we are best able to honour your wishes.

More information

If you would like further information in how to support St John of God Hauora Trust please contact us using the form below.
