Whanaketia Report - Royal Commission Into Abuse in Care

St John of God Hauora Trust acknowledges the release of Whanaketia, the final report of the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care.

Thursday 25 July

St John of God Hauora Trust Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Hillier, acknowledging the report release, said that “the Whanaketia report will provide a further voice for survivors, in their advocacy and efforts to seek answers that help them heal.  We look forward to reviewing the report and its recommendations, that will stand as an enduring reminder of the bravery of survivors, and our responsibilities in protecting vulnerable people”.

St John of God Hauora Trust was established in 2008 as a controlled entity of St John of God Health Care, an Australasian health-services provider. The establishment of the Trust incorporated services formerly operated by the Brothers of St John of God, including a residential disability care facility in Halswell, and social services agency in Christchurch East.

St John of God Hauora Trust maintains audited partnerships with a range of agencies involved in the care and protection of vulnerable young people, including the Ministry of Social Development, Oranga Tamariki, Health New Zealand, Whaikaha and the Ministry of Health.

The organisation maintains checks and balances to ensure a safe environment for residents, clients, visitors, and employees. This includes compliance with legislation, and policy related to child protection, professional conduct, and safeguarding frameworks – as well as training for all staff on appropriate workplace and clinical conduct.

To the best of our knowledge, no allegations of child sexual abuse have ever been raised against St John of God Hauora Trust. The organisation has actively responded to any information requests from the Commission, or representatives of entities directly engaged in Commission processes.

Enquiries relating to care provided by the Hospitaller Order (Brothers) of St John of God should be directed to the National Office for Professional Standards of the Catholic Church (safeguarding@chch.catholic.org.nz).

For more information relating to St John of God Hauora Trust contact George Anderson, General Manager Communications and Marketing on george.anderson@sjog.org.nz.