SJGHT Brand Review 2019

Enter Prize Draw to WIN 1 of 20 $20 Pak’n’Save vouchers.

We need your feedback to help inform decision making about the way our services are presented to clients and the people we work with.

We are interested in your thoughts and perceptions about our organisation and the work we do.

Please complete our survey at

Your response will qualify you for a draw to win one of 20 $20 Pak'n'Save vouchers. Your responses will inform a report to CEO Steve Berry about our branding and marketing.

An email address is collected for the purposes of contacting you in case of winning a prize. Your email will not be used to identify your response or contact you for any other purpose.

Data is being collected by George Anderson (National Manager Fundraising and Marketing) who is available to answer any questions on 021 244 9274 or [email protected].